Thursday, March 20, 2008

Word of the Day - Querulous

Well I'm not sure where this word came from today. I decided to do a word of the day (can I call it that since I don't do it every day?) and this is what popped into my head. Yes, big or rarely used words reside in my head and occasionally I can pull them out. I have no control over which ones will strike my fancy or come to mind at given moment. Once in college a friend called out that someone should ask me for a synonym because I was a "Human Thesaurus". I tried to help them understand that I can't predict how useful I would be because sometimes I draw a blank. I actually found it quite annoying because it implies that I'm odd for having a large vocabulary.

Isn't that a sad comment on American Society that a person who speaks well is considered an oddity. Am I the only one that finds something magical about finding a word that has a very specific, nuanced meaning as opposed to using a string of words that only touch on what you're trying to say? I doubt I'm the ONLY one but I think we are few and far between. I get excited at the way a particular word rolls off my tongue. I like the feeling and taste of the word, the memories it elicits of good books I've read or of a funny encounter. Words for me are similar to someone flipping through old photographs. It's fun for me.

Anyway, here's the word of the day. Sorry for my moment of navel-gazing. I got this off in case I need to legally give credit where credit is due. I LURVE

quer·u·lous [kwer-uh-luhs, kwer-yuh-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective
1.full of complaints; complaining.
2.characterized by or uttered in complaint; peevish: a querulous tone; constant querulous reminders of things to be done.

I was irritated by her querulous manner because it often put me in a foul mood.

I was trying to be patient but her querulous response to everything I said led me to have a negative first impression of my brother's girlfriend.

Sue me if those sentences aren't good. Didn't have time to look them but I think they should work. I think my choice of this word is timely in that I've been in a bit of a mood for a few days. Things haven't been going particularly my way it's starting to irritate me. It's calling me to react in a QUERULOUS manner ;)

PS. I only use one emoticon for those that find them distasteful. I tend to be very facetious and it is not always apparent in writing and so for that reason I use the wink.

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