Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Entering the Blog World Take 2

Well I've been contemplating starting this blog back up for a while. Mostly because I occasionally still receive comments on one of my first blogs on the difference between sarcastic and facetious. I'll let it be known that I'm not an expert on anything. Mostly I know a little bit about a lot. There is no plan to have a focus to this blog that will make it a hot spot for the world to see. It's just a place to post "random musings" and get back to writing. Hence the name change.

I will not be posting a full topic now as I seriously need to consider sleeping at some point. I will however list a few of the things I've found interesting lately that may show up in this blog.

Trivia (4th place TriviaMaryland.com 2 seasons in a row - Go Lucky Charms)
Parking Meters ;)
Whatever floats my boat (though I don't actually have a boat)

See ya round. Whoever you are.

1 comment:

hybrid said...

hey "Carolyn",

I enjoyed reading your blog. I stumbled on it while looking up the meaning of "sarcasm" and your thoughts literally brought a smile to my face.

I, too, am a overthinker long before I even knew it. The bad part about it is I also have this thing, usually doesn't mix well with my thoughts not being able to shut down. More often than what I would like, tends to gets me in trouble with others quite often. That 'thing" of mine, which this is referring to, is "sarcasm".

.Lately, I'm finding myself slipping out of being sarcastic to just being just "sardonic" and I don't think that's good at all.

So, your blog was quite refreshing and lifted up my spirits. I admire your wit and honesty. Being able to write your thoughts down and share your "head" with others is such a gift. I'm too much of a control-freak to even let people in my own head, more less than writing about it.

Please update on your blog and let us readers know what have become of you. Did you get married to that "crush" of yours?

Whatever happens, I'll be cheering you on and wishing you the very best life has to offer. To see a "overthinker" accomplish to being content, surely will make me happy...
