Friday, March 14, 2008

Word of the Day

Today's word of the day is Exult. I noticed that when i tried to think of the word of the day i kept coming up with things that were negative like Portentious, so I tried to think of something positive. I love this word, because event though it isn't technically a "big" word it is one that isn't used that often and I think it has a wonderful feel to it.

ex·ult [ig-zuhlt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –verb (used without object) show or feel a lively or triumphant joy; rejoice exceedingly; be highly elated or jubilant: They exulted over their victory.
2.Obsolete. to leap, esp. for joy.

As she stared around at her family she exulted in the wonder of never having to be alone and having people to share the joys of life with.

An ecstatic smile spread across her face as the exultation of the moment seeped through her as her newborn daughter was lowered into her arms.

1 comment:

Holly Jolly Christmas (HJC) said...

I am exulted by the thought of a nice cold brewski right now. I believe it will be complete and utter exultation!
